Bienvenue sur le site officiel de


Uchi Deshi de Tamura Nobuyoshi Shihan
Fondateur de Meïwakan Aïkido



Mickaël Martin discovered Aïkido in 1989, at the age of 13, in his native region: Brittany. Since then, he deepens his practicing and teaching of this Martial Art.


In 1991, he met Toshiro Suga and Tamura Senseï. These encounters increased his passion.


From 1996 to 2010, he followed all Tamura Senseï's courses, throughout France and Europe. In 2002, he integrated Shumeïkan Dojo, National School of Aïkido (France), on the proposal of Tamura Senseï, as internal student (uchi-deshi).


His arrival at Shumeïkan Dojo allowed him to live fully his passion and especially to follow the teaching of Tamura Senseï as close as possible every day. For more than eight years, he shared every day with this exceptional Master, until he left us, and experienced precious moments of a very enriching teaching.


In 2005, he flew on his first trip to Japan, where he discovered Kuroda Senseï, Soke of Shinbukan Kuroda Ryugi. Afterwards, he went to the dojo of Kono Yoshinori Senseï. These meetings allowed him to refine his practicing of Aïkido.


Since then, Mickaël Martin travels to Japan every year in order to enrich himself with those teachings and to deepen his personal research.


Since 2012, he organizes a trip to Japan (Nihon Budo Tour), open to all those wishing to go to Japan to visit and to practice Aïkido with different masters of Aïkido and Budo.


Mickaël Martin founded in 2011 an international association: Meïwakan Aïkido.


Today, Mickaël Martin teaches at Shumeïkan Dojo, Bras. In addition to his weekly classes, Mickaël Martin teaches several seminars in France and abroad.




Tarifs des cours au dojo


Aïkido Enfants : 

  • 225 € 


Aïkido et kenjutsu adultes : 

  • Tous les cours : 400 €
  • 5 cours / semaine : 300 €
  • Cours matin et midi : 250 €


Kenjutsu :

  • 250 €


Kobujutsu : 

  • Cours techniques à mains nue, bokken, jyo, iaïjutsu et shuriken 300 €


Taïso :

  • 180 €




Possibilité de venir aux occasionnellement :

  • Aïkido et Kenjutsu : 10 €
  • Cours aïkido confirmé : 12 €
  • Kobujutsu : 15 €




Pour les personnes de passage qui veulent rester une semaine

  • 120 € la semaine pour tous les cours.